
Petio is available as a docker image and also as binaries (executable files). Please find our download information below.


There are two ways you can install Petio using Docker Compose. You can either download the docker-compose.yml from the repo and place it in a folder where you will run docker-compose from or you can add it to an existing docker-compose.yml

Our docs will guide you through the process of setting up a docker container for Petio and configuration options.


Petio can be installed as a standalone non-docker install. Petio requires MongoDb as its database system, which is usually packaged as part of the docker container, but for a binary install will require MongoDb Community to be installed manually.

Please read our docs for more information on how to install and setup Petio using the Binary download. We currently support Windows x64 | MacOS x64 | Linux x64.